viernes, 28 de agosto de 2009

First term, a lot of work, a bit of action

Hello everybody! Once time again I have to write in a blog. I really hope that writing blogs could be a good experience. Well, I'm going to talk about my first term of 2009. If I could, with just one word describe the past term I could say “boring”. The reasons why it was boring I’m going to describe them now. First, All my courses was theorical courses, almost nothing about practice, something that in the last year of University couldn’t be so. Now, in this moment I just want to apply my knowledges in real life, in real cases, and not keep thinking about the problems without experience them, without know how problems really are.
Second, I had to make a lot of works! Each course that I took request one or two global reports about our work. This took me a lot of time and not very much learning.
Respecting to free times and sport, the truth is that I did a lot of things, I dedicated to make a lot of new things, know interesting places, learn some art techniques and be with my friends. I recognize that sports weren’t very important in my first term, in fact I could say that I get more fat in first term.

In conclusion, University and my job, so boring; relaxing and free times…great!

No more to say, see you.

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